3 Strategies for Organising Your Home Without Getting Overwhelmed

3 Strategies for Organising Your Home Without Getting Overwhelmed

If you are about to embark on a house move, decluttering, or simply planning to make your home more organised, then this article is essential reading!  Here is a short video, along with some additional tips that are key to your success. 

Watch the video by Katie Mazzocco of Full Spectrum Productivity (it’s less than 4 minutes!) and then read the rest of this post to see what I would add to her useful approach…

As you have seen, she sets out three main strategies for success, and these can be applied to your home or your office.

Strategy 1: Create a comprehensive strategy

  • Organising is a bit like chess

    This is a great piece of advice. It especially helps to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. In fact, you might never start if you don’t break it down first! It also means you can choose your priorities and be more focused. However if it all still seems really scary, start with something small, rather than your highest priority, just to get you started.

  • Remember to be flexible. Sometimes once you get started you might come up with a better idea. Go with it!
  • It’s a bit like a game of chess – you need a strategy if you want to win, but you also might need to change it as you go.

Strategy 2: Set realistic timescales

It’s not a race!

I really like Katie’s honesty here! Yes, it will probably take a lot longer than you expect it to, and it’s always good to overestimate the time. And if you feel irritated that it’s taking too long, actually, it probably means you are being thorough and doing a great job. Remember, it’s not a race!




Strategy 3: Celebrate milestones

  • Yes, you need to keep your spirits high and momentum going! It can be hard work, so feel proud of yourself. After all, you may have thought you would never even get started!

Additional Tips from The Time Fairy :

  • Be prepared for a big mess! Sometimes it looks like a room exploded while you are in the process of organising, but you need to accept this as necessary. It’s called “organised chaos”! It makes the whole process easier.
  • Take pictures of your progress
    Take picture of your progress

    Take pictures before, during, and after. It’s fantastic when you’re all done and everything looks so much better. But it’s even better to be able to see the before and after pictures to see how bad it was to start with, and what an amazing job you’ve done!


Are you about to embark on a big project? Hopefully these strategies and tips will help you out.

If you are still overwhelmed by the thought of your project, and not sure how to begin, the Time Fairy can help you get started and take you through the whole process.


Ruth Lowe

Based in Southam, Warwickshire

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Twitter: @UKTimeFairy