Conquer Clutter in 4 weeks
I love this infographic on how to declutter your home in a month. It has a really useful flow chart for helping you to decide whether you should keep items or not, and a week by week guide to getting the house decluttered.

Source: Conquer Clutter in a Month by Terrys Fabrics
So what do you think? Has this inspired you? I can relate to a lot of this and I do think the solutions offered (such as using baskets, bowls etc to store messy things) really work. It’s also necessary to go through these regularly and put things back in their proper home – I’d recommend at least once a week. Also, one useful tip the Time Fairy would add is to have fewer surface areas, because they tend to become magnets for clutter. Maybe you can relate…who has a coffee table in their living room, but can never put a cup of coffee on it because it’s covered in papers, bills and magazines? So assess whether that table is helping you to become clutter free, or if perhaps you could live without it.
One more thing – I am a stickler for reducing waste, and would recommend that when you declutter, you consider donating useable things to a charity shop, and putting unusable things into the recycling whenever possible. That way you’re not only improving your life, you are also helping others, and the planet too!
So why not give this a go? If you need a hand of course, the Time Fairy can help you out. I did some reorganising and decluttering last week for a new client and she had such lovely things to say, that I thought I would share a bit with you:
“Your versatility astounds me – and your energy and enthusiasm were awesome. I really needed someone who was non-judgemental and positive and there you were. Your practical down to earth organisational skills and manner really helped me to prioritise and get things together. Your energy and enthusiasm didn’t falter and 5 hours later, we achieved everything we set out to do and more!”
Thanks for reading, and if you give it a go, comment below and let us know how it goes.
Ruth Lowe
Based in Southam, Warwickshire
Contact me:
Twitter: @UKTimeFairy