The Perfect Way to Organise your CD & DVD Collections
Do you ever want to watch a specific film, but have so many DVDs that you can’t find the one you want? Do you feel like listening to a specific band or artist, but have no idea where that CD is? Or just in the mood for some classical music, or an action film, but everything is all mixed together?
One simple solution is to put it all on an iPod, or just use Netflix. However, many people still prefer the physical discs and if you want to make finding music or movies easier for yourself, saving time and frustration too, then try this easy way to organise and maintain your collection…
You will need:
- Post-it notes
- Paper & scissors
- A fine permanent marker
- Small round stickers (8mm are perfect) – coloured or white (see step 3)
- A block of time and some space
Step 1: Gather
- Find all your Cds, DVDs or Blu-rays and put them all in one place. Remember to check all the places that you might have odd ones, like in the car, or by the TV.
- Give them a quick dust if necessary.
Step 2: Sort
Write each letter of the alphabet on a post-it or piece of paper, and lay it out on the floor, or a big table.
Take each CD/DVD/Blu-ray and put it into the corresponding pile. You’ll need to decide how you do this. For example:
- Music artists…by first name or surname?
- Those that start with a number…by number after ‘z’, or the letter that the number starts with?
- Ones that start with ‘the’ – do you exclude the ‘the’ when alphabetising?
As you sort each disc, check the following:
- Is the correct disc in the case?
- Is the disc missing?
- Is the case broken or cracked?
- Are any of the inserts missing?
- Do you still want it?
If something is broken or missing, on a slip of paper write a letter, and stick it into the case so that it sticks out (see photo). For example, if a disc is missing disc, write ‘DM’, and for a broken case, ‘B’ and so on. This way, once you’ve organised them, you’ll be able to see at a glance all the ones that need something done.
If you have some loose discs, it will now be easy to match them up to their case, because they are all organised alphabetically.
Step 3:
- Add a sticker to the bottom of the spine on each case, with the corresponding letter written on it in permanent marker (hint: write the letter before you peel the sticker off the sheet!)
- If you want to make it easier to find what you’re in the mood for, categorise by genre, using coloured stickers. For example, with music use different colours for rock, classical, R&B, rap, dance etc. For movies, use different colours for comedy, action, romance, children’s, horror, etc.
- If using colours, make a note of the key for reference!
- Put them all back on the shelf after you complete each letter of the alphabet.
Step 4:
Once you’ve finished, they will all be neatly on the shelf, in alphabetical order. Always put them back in the right place to keep the system working – it won’t take any more time to slot it in the corresponding letter.
- Donate all the unwanted discs
- Replace broken cases & recycle the old ones
- Write a list of missing discs that you want to find or replace
- Admire your work, and find great pleasure in finding what you are looking for so easily and quickly!
If you’re giving it a try, let us know how you get on. Maybe you have a system of your own to share. If you would love to get this done, but don’t have the time or energy, The Time Fairy can do it for you.
Ruth Lowe
Based in Southam, Warwickshire
Contact me:
Twitter: @UKTimeFairy
If you ever need your CDs, DVDs sorting…Ruth is your woman! Seriously something I wanted to sort out for years and never got round to it. x
Ruth is just a remarkable person; she can and will arrange and manage any special occasion for you. We have recently had a very successful event arranged and managed by Ruth with Photographer, Catering Staff and Musicians. Our guests had a wonderful time with us. We will remember and cherish this special time and be able to look through the photograph album forever. It will also form part of our family history. Thankyou Ruth.